
Whether you’re starting your orthodontic journey or have been on the path for a while, it is entirely normal to have questions. At Vinson Orthodontics, we’re on a mission to help people revitalize their smiles. Check out our blog for information about orthodontic treatment and learn why so many people improve their smiles with Vinson Orthodontics. 

My Teacher Rocks! Contest Announcement

It brings the Vinson Orthodontics team great joy to be a part of the Wake Forest and Clayton communities, and we enjoy supporting and participating in many school and community events with our patients and their families. Our current contest, “My Teacher Rocks!”, aims to put the spotlight on the many amazing teachers in our community. Visit our Facebook page to nominate your favorite teacher, six (6) winners will be chosen on October 1st. • The winning teachers will each be awarded $100! • Each student that nominated a winning teacher will be awarded $50! This contest is going on now through the end of September. We can’t wait to hear about what makes your teacher rock!

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Sports Drinks – They Can Damage Your Teeth

Lollipops are a cavity on a stick and soda is pure sugar in a can. Candy and soda cause tooth decay. You’ve been taught this since grade school. This is not news, is it? Well, what about the fact that sports drinks ruin your teeth, too? Heard that one before? The team at Vinson Orthodontics want to make sure you understand sports drinks can damage healthy teeth. Actually, “erode” is more like the term, especially in the brackets while wearing braces. These sort of drinks erode your teeth by “demineralization,” or reducing the minerals in the outer tooth enamel and also the dentin (“dentin” is a yellowish, calcified tissue underneath the tooth enamel). It doesn’t affect the enamel underneath the braces covered by the brackets.

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Baby Teeth – Should I Worry?

When parents visit Dr Britt Vinson  at Vinson Orthodontics, it is not uncommon for them to worry if their child’s baby teeth do not fall out on time. Infants rollover, sit, walk, and talk at different stages of their development. The same is true when your child is losing baby teeth. There are some developmental issues which require professional attention, but in general, what should parents expect when their kids start losing baby teeth?

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Celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in October with Vinson Orthodontics

Did you know that October is National Orthodontic Health Month? Dr. Britt Vinson and his team at Vinson Orthodontics want you to join us in celebrating the power of a smile during October. You only get one chance to make a first impression, no matter what your age 12, 16 or 60! A perfect smile is one of your best and lifelong assets. Whether you are meeting new friends or interviewing for a job, a smile is important to building both personal and business relationships. It is a well-known fact that straight teeth and a great smile builds self-esteem, confidence, and influences how you present yourself to the world. Orthodontic treatment is an investment in the future. Our goal this year is to spread the word in Clayton and Wake Forest that October is National Orthodontic Health Month and its purpose is to reinforce the need for an orthodontic evaluation. You are never too young or too old if your bite or smile needs correction. What is the Best Time to Evaluate Your Child? The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that parents have their kids evaluated for orthodontic treatment by age 7. Children undergo a major growth spurt during the

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Halloween “Treats”…Do’s and Don’ts in Wake Forest NC

Halloween Treats…You have all heard about the damage that sugar and certain “sticky” candies can do to your teeth and your braces when undergoing orthodontic treatment. Well, our Team at Vinson Orthodontics wants to remind all of our patients and future patients about the dangers one more time. We know Halloween is supposed to be a fun time of year for kids of all ages… but it can turn into a “nightmare” of damaged braces for kids and parents if the wrong types of treats are consumed. Not only the discomfort involved as a result of broken wires and brackets but also the inconvenience of coming office for an extra visit with your busy school and/or work schedules. Here at Vinson Orthodontics in Clayton and Wake Forest NC, we love Halloween treats but we also have a responsibility to increase the awareness of potential damage certain candies can cause if patients are not careful about which treats to eat. Click here to download a Do’s and Don’ts Treat List offered by the American Association of Orthodontists. As a reminder, print it off and post in on your refrigerator for all to see.

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Flex Account Can Make Someone Smile

Wow! We are already in November of 2017. Only two months to go before the end of the year! For those families who have FSA (Flex Accounts), now is the time to apply for your 2018 funding during open enrollment or to ensure you have spent all your allocated funds for 2017.

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Thanksgiving With Joy And Gratitude

Here at Vinson Orthodontics, our team believes in the simple power of gratitude. What better time of the year to express our gratitude than Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving brings to mind different thoughts to different people. To most, it brings visions of a family Thanksgiving feast with roast turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing with yummy gravy, cranberries, squash, and of course…pumpkin pie! To a student away at school, it may mean coming home to be with those they miss and possibly some much needed down time from the daily rigors of school and studying. Then again for others…are you ready for some football… a day off from work… or a long weekend?

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Invisalign Smile – A Holiday Gift Idea

Now is the time to start thinking of the perfect gift for your special teen or adult in your life. What better way to express your sentiments and thoughts than to give someone you love the beautiful smile they always wanted. An Invisalign Smile is the perfect Holiday gift! For the majority of people, celebrations, parties, holiday treats, cookies, and candy are all part of the holiday celebration. But for teens and adults in braces, it can be challenging to say the least. Invisalign gives a person the freedom to enjoy the holiday season and all of the things that come with it. It is also a time for laughter and lots of family photos. Is there someone in your family or special loved one who never smiles for the camera because they are embarrassed about their teeth and their smile? Invisalign is the perfect solution and the ideal way to show them you care.

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Stocking Stuffer Ideas From Vinson Orthodontics

Happy Holidays to all from Vinson Orthodontics! This is the time of year where giving means more than receiving. To see the joy on a loved one’s face as they look in their stocking or open a present is truly what giving is about. The Team at Vinson Orthodontics would like to share some stocking stuffer ideas for your consideration. All of these suggestions apply to patients of different ages whether or not they are wearing braces or Invisalign. Stocking Stuffer Ideas

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Happy New Year – Reasons To Smile In 2018

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Depending on what stage you are in of orthodontic treatment, smiling may be the last thing you want to do. Whether you’re just starting with braces or Invisalign or near the very end, your confidence may have taken a tumble. With a new year comes a new mindset and we’ve got 8 reasons to expose your beautiful smile to the world in 2018: 1. Smiles are contagious. Studies have shown that people have a difficult time frowning when someone else is smiling at them. In fact, they couldn’t help but smile themselves. Make a habit throughout the year to compliment the people you meet with a smile and watch them pay it forward.

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